Your subdomain blocks will be promoted to the domain level in 3 days

subdomain blocks

As a website owner or content creator, there are few things more exciting than receiving a notification from Google AdSense.

After all, this platform is one of the most popular ways to monetize your website and earn money from the traffic you generate.

And when Google AdSense sends a notification, it's usually because something important is happening that will impact your earnings or account status.

So what does this mean, and how will it affect your AdSense account? In this article, we'll explore the significance of this notification and what steps you can take to prepare for the transition.


Let's define what we mean by subdomains and domains. A subdomain is a part of a larger domain that is used to organize content within a website.

For example, if your website is, you might use the subdomains and to separate your blog content from your e-commerce content.

Meanwhile, a domain is the main address of your website (in this case,


let's talk about what it means for your subdomain blocks to be promoted to the domain level. In the past, AdSense allowed publishers to block ads at the subdomain level.

This meant that if you had multiple subdomains on your website, you could block certain ads from appearing on specific subdomains.

However, with this new change, all of your ad blocking settings will now apply to your entire domain, including all subdomains.

So why is this change being made?

According to Google, this change will simplify the ad blocking process for publishers and improve the user experience for advertisers. By applying ad blocking settings to the entire domain, advertisers can ensure that their ads are not displayed on any part of a website that they deem inappropriate or irrelevant. This will improve the accuracy of their ad targeting and increase the likelihood of users clicking on their ads.

So what steps can you take to prepare for this change?

The good news is that if you have not set any subdomain blocks, you don't need to do anything. Your ad blocking settings will simply apply to your entire domain. However, if you have set subdomain blocks, you should review them to ensure that they still align with your website's content and your advertising goals. You may want to adjust your settings to reflect the changes that are coming.


AdSense has allowed publishers to block ads from specific subdomains, which can be useful if you have certain sections of your website that don't perform well with ads or that you don't want to monetize for other reasons.

However, starting in March 2023, Google AdSense is promoting subdomain blocks to the domain level.

What does this mean in practical terms? Essentially, any subdomain blocks you have set up will now apply to your entire domain.

So if you've blocked ads on, those same ads will now be blocked on and any other subdomains you have (such as

This change is intended to simplify the blocking process and ensure that publishers have more control over their ad placements.

What you need to do?

If you're an AdSense user who currently has subdomain blocks in place, you'll want to review those blocks before the promotion takes effect. 

Make sure that any subdomains you want to continue blocking are still included, and remove any subdomains that you're okay with monetizing. 

It's also a good idea to keep an eye on your AdSense earnings after the promotion takes effect to see if there are any changes to your revenue.

Overall, the promotion of subdomain blocks to the domain level is a positive change for AdSense publishers. 

It gives you more control over your ad placements and ensures that your preferences are applied consistently across your entire website. 

So if you received this notification from Google AdSense, take a few minutes to review your settings and make sure you're prepared for the change.

In conclusion

the notification that your subdomain blocks will be promoted to the domain level in three days is a significant change that will impact how you manage your AdSense account. 

By understanding the implications of this change and taking appropriate steps to prepare for it, you can ensure that your website continues to generate revenue through AdSense while maintaining a positive user experience for your audience.

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